Saturday, January 7, 2012

CD 3 Update

    To start this blog off, this has been the WEIRDEST af I have ever had. Usually hell has broken loose by now. However, this af is unusually manageable. Maybe I am just getting "healthier" or something, would the metformin do this? Its just strange.  I thought the bleeding I am experiencing might be implantation or something, I know, I am reaching pretty far out. But, I have heard of women that mistake implantation or early pregnancy bleeding for af (?) so I have been taking hpts and not really seeing anything.  So I am expecting the flow to pick up, but today is day 3 and my cycle doesn't really go for more than 4 or 5 days (?). I am so lost.

    On another note, the last time I bought some first response pregnancy tests I got a fertility test with it. I know I have used them before, but I don't think I ever read the instructions. So today I used the fertility test by the instructions.  It is basically just an FSH test.

Results look normal, though at the RE he did an ultrasound and said there were PLENTY of eggs left, so I didn't really expect this to be elevated.

I have been using my ovacue, but of course we wont be able to tell anything with that for a few days... like 20 ish to be exact (since my cycles are longish- 46 days is the average right now for me.)

Nothing else to update!  Hope everyone is doing well! 

Say some extra prayers for a blog buddy of mine who is 12 dpo and is testing on Monday.. she is going to be the best mommy ever, her baby is just being picky about when he or she wants to be born!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cycle day 1 and some good news

I am sitting here at work typing this on my iPhone, just wanted to share with everyonethe news that we got yesterday. My family doctor called and said my a1c is now 6.6%! ok ok, it's not great and I didn't think it was that much better (6.8 in November) but apparently it was great news to Dr.M, my re! He was ecstatic! He was talking with my family doc and ok'd me to start back fertility treatment attye heck ing of March! Woohoo! I wasnt expecting this so soon I guess.. I thought it was going to have to be a lot lower. Dr. M expalained to family doc that he just wanted it under 7% and it was originally, but wanted to get it a little lower just to make sure baby will be absolutely healthy. He said I probably could have been with child by now but the chance of birth defects was high (I don't understand why, just because of sugar level?). Anyway, should be startin clomid in March. I hope it will work extra great since I will have been on metformin for 5 months by then. Don't have the exact date of the appointment, I will call at 8 today.

Another thing, I started a 12 day bottle of provera about 7 days ago and af showed this morning.. That's weird isn't It?? I did some calculations yesterday and I think I may have ovulated on the 28th ish, meaning I am not out yet.. Which would make today 8 dpo, had some spotting on the 3rd and some cramping. I'm sure it's af, but not really sure at the same time.I will keep you all updated!