I wish I could test today... because lets face it, December 21st will be 14dpo and while I doubt i'll wait that long to test (I will probably test 9dpo... I know, bad me) it is going to suck to find out your cycle failed right before Christmas, my birthday (the 27th), and my next doctors appointment (the 28th).
In a way I am glad that we are on an RE break, however at the same time I am angry at myself. It feels like we have reverted back to before we sought out reproductive help. Before I just denied in my mind that there was a problem and that everything would be ok. Then I came to terms with it and went to the obgyn. When we were working with the RE we were doing so well, getting so much done. I knew baby was right around the corner. Now it feels like I am back to "nothings wrong, it will happen eventually". I guess in a way it is good because I am not so stressed out, but I don't feel motivated to get things done either.
I suppose only time will tell. I don't want to get too excited, but its hard not to.
The dreaded TWW! :( I'm praying you get good news! :) :)