Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What The World Needs Now Is Love

    The world is so confusing.  We are all about everyone being independent, making their own decisions, and being unique.  But have you ever noticed how much everyone tries to push their beliefs and ideas on to others?  By this I don't mean you shouldn't be able to talk about your opinions, but why when someone chooses something else that you don't necessarily endorse, is it wrong?

    For instance, I am sure you all have heard of the TV show on TLC, "19 Kids and Counting".  They live just upstate from us, we hear about them a lot.  I don't think what they are doing is wrong or crazy.  Believe me, they are doing the world a favor.  If I could afford 19 kids and God blessed me with that many healthy babies, I would do it in a heartbeat.  I think they are great parents and their children are a wonderful example of that.  They have unbelievable patience, unshakable faith, and great morals.  I think we all could take a lesson from them.  They have the financial means to support that family, they are not without, where is the crime?  What the world needs now is a great next generation.

    I have heard that people were "angry" at the fact that this woman has had so many children and they think that because of that her last child was born premature, as if she had done this on purpose.  Ignorance.  Thousands of children are born premature everyday.  So does society think that that mother should not birth another child because of that, NO!  It is a miracle that so many babies are born at term as perfect as they are.

    I would be lucky if I could raise my children to be that great of people. They have devoted their life to raising their children, made it into their job... Their life's work.  Instead of climbing the ranks at some big company, they have decided to do this.  So is a 19+ family for everyone? No.  But if more people would take their life to raising their children and instilling morals into those small people, the world would be a lot better of a place.  So what are they doing wrong?

    She has fallen pregnant again.  Due next April, Michelle, 45, calls her latest pregnancy a blessing. "Our whole family is so excited that God has blessed us with another child,". "Each one of our children are thankful to be here!".   

    There is a reason God is giving that family so many babies, because they are good at raising them!

    So is it refreshing to finally have a "famous couple" that can stay married, raise great children and still appreciate a miracle?  You're damn straight it is.

P.S.  Women have children in their 40's all the time... It is not a crime.  Don't believe me, check out your local infertility support groups.


  1. Agree totally! Most people need a filter on their thoughts. Hope all is well for you :)

  2. Well said! You know, the bitter part of me (who has of yet been able to get pregnant) thinks "GREAT. She gets 20, and I get ZERO?!" But, I just have to keep reminding myself that I don't know God's plan yet.. who knows, 20 may be in store for me too! (But, I hope He in some patience along the way if that's the case.)


  3. " There is a reason God is giving that family so many babies, because they are good at raising them!"

    I couldn't disagree more. Not directed at the Duggers, just at the idea that G-d is giving any family "so many babies, because they are good at raising them." I've seen many women or families with multiple kids who are genuinely quite bad at raising them. But that doesn't really seem to be a concern.

    My husband always complains when competitors thank G-d for a win and say something like, "the Lord was with me today. He wanted me to have this win." So when you lost last week, was the Lord not with you? Or did He just not want you to have the win?

    I don't think G-d sets us up as winner and losers n that sense. I think he rejoices in our victories with us and shares our sorrows, but he does not glory in our victory over others. And I don't think he's assigning children to parents on the basis of the fitness of the parents in question.

  4. That is fair, everyone is entitled to their opinion. You have a valid point.

    I like to think that the reason God has not granted us children is because we have not become the parents he wants us to be yet. In my perfect world, only people that would be great parents would have kids, it is sickening to me to see pregnant drug addicts and things of that nature, but (what I personally believe) I think we all have things happen to us to teach us a lesson. No, we cannot always win, it is a lesson we learn to deal with failure and to move on.

    It is hard to put into words what I am trying to say.

    Regardless of our different believes, thank you for responding.
