Thursday, November 24, 2011


    I was so upset the day that the RE called and told me he was holding off all of our treatment until my blood sugar lowered a bit.  Went to the family doctor and we started metformin extended release 750 mg twice a day.  He said my a1c would be down a point in a month and that should be plenty good enough to start back treatment again.  So my appointment is set for December 28th.  It just seems like we will never get back on track to start treatment again.

   So get this, I woke up in TERRIBLE pain the night before last... Had no idea what was going on. The next day, AF showed up.. without progesterone!  Turns out the positive opk I had exactly 14 days before af showed up was truly positive. AHH!  Who knows, I may not even need to go back to the RE?! I read that metformin can regulate your cycle and bring on ovulation... but I heard that would take months. I can't believe I started on my own and exactly 14 dpo.. amazing! My husband and I almost started crying yesterday morning, we were so excited and so proud. See, normal couples would not rejoice in a period, but for us it was like winning a gold!!

    I know if this keeps up, we are in the home stretch.

On that note I want to congratulate one of my blog buddies who just found out that she was expecting this week! I am so excited for her, and I cannot wait to read all of her updates on her pregnancy! I will be praying for a healthy and exciting 9 months!


  1. YAYYAYAYAY for YOU! I still usually get my period "regularly" (every 40 or so days), but I'm starting to think you were right about my OPK being positive on CD13 &14. That means my cycle would have been 28 days this month, and I should be expecting AF this Thursday (or a BFP). I guess we shall see.

    But YAY for a regular period for you! That's so excited! One step closer!


  2. Nominated you for the liebster blog award. :) <3

  3. Thank you Ashley!

    Ahh, I can't wait to see what happened today (thursday)!!!
