Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lord, I love you so

Dear Lord,

Thank you for a beautiful day today and everyday. Thank you for opening my eyes so that I may see the small things in life and appreciate them again. Thank you for my job that lets me help people everyday in their time of need. I know we do not have much, Lord, but you have made us able to have just what we need. Please look over those tonight who feel sorrow and loss and are less fortunate in every aspect. Hold them when they are sad, I hope those who do not know you, will find you. Sometimes Lord I feel so sad about my life, but you remind me to keep my head up. I know you have a great plan for me and your timing is perfect. Please give me the strength to be strong everyday and to leave my sorrows behind. Please shape me into a great parent for my future children and a wonderful wife for my husband and a better daughter to my mother. Please be with her tonight, I know she needs you so. Fill my heart with happiness and patience... Lord I want to be a mother so bad, hold my hand during this journey we are embarking upon.. Give the doctors the knowledge to help us.. I'm trying so hard to let go and let it be in your hands.. Remind me everyday of the happy positive things.

I love you so much, thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for me. Thank you for the angels you are sending me when I am at my lowest. Please Lord, forgive me for my sins.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen

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